lefac.com, the top BtoB information portal for the communications sector in Europe, offers you a sample of the data available in its various databases in 2022.

In European databases in 2022

2022 Summary

5 markets and databases

31 134 companies referenced in lefac.com

Distribution of these advertisers in Europe :

Number of companies/ country :
-7 650 in France
- 2 450 in Netherlands
- 8 290 in Belgium
- 8 052 in Italy
- 4 692 in Germany

71% Advertisers
29% Agencies, medias, Sales House

Others datas

19 183 Creatives
17 342 Pitchs

Check out the infographics below

par TBS group

The data used for this study is provided by the lefac.com solution, which studies information relating to advertisers and agencies in France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. Key contacts, pitches, social networks, data, advertising information... Take a strategic approach and use key data to boost your business in Europe!​